I take your privacy very seriously and so my compliance to the GDPR is as follows.

Any information collected from a form on my website is used to contact you with regards to any enquiry about any services you have made. I will use this information specifically to contact you to discuss these services or for issuing invoices for services used. I will never share this information with any third party. You have every right under the GDPR to request that I remove/delete this information at any time. Your request for your personal details to be deleted will be acted upon within 48 hours of your request. Any information stored for invoicing will be retained for accouting and billing purposes.

I will use your information as follows:

  • To process and act upon your enquiry
  • To personalise any services I provide
  • To personalise any website you have designed by me
  • To produce digital and/or printed invoices for services used

Your data will be stored for a reasonable time to ensure I can use the data to contact you about your enquiry.

If, on contacting you using the information gathered from a form on my website or through any phone call or any other medium used to contact me or Barry's Web Design, we do not enter in to any contract or I do not undertake any work for your company, I will delete the information gathered from you within no more than 72 hours.

In the event of a databreach I will report this to the relevant supervisory authority within 72 hours. If this breach is deamed to be of high risk to the individual, I will report this to the effected individuals within 72 hours.

I will not request any sensitive information about you through any forms on my website.

As a business or trading individual it is up to you to ensure your compliace to the GDPR.

I use Google analytics to track the hits and visitor activity on my website. This is not something that can idetnify any person. It simply tells me what a person did wheile visiting my website. If you do not want my site to add a cookie to your browser, this can be easily turned off in your browser settings.

If you are unsure what the GDPR is or are concerned about the effects it will have on your business, please see the GDPR website. Plus for more guidance please see this Personal Data Breaches page. The full GDPR can be read Here

GENERAL Terms and Conditions

Website Hosting And General Website Terms And Conditions

Respecting my clients privacy is my top priority.

When I design your website or host any website on my web servers, your content is treated as private property at all times and no one will be given access to your private section of my web server.

I will never give out any passwords or private data or information to any third party company.

Terms used on this page:

  • Template - The basis or a single page to build your website from, usually the home page of your website
  • BluCMS - My own custom designed CMS or any code associated with the BluCMS CMS
  • Web Server - The website server or servers I have rented to host my clients website's
  • Dynamic code - any script or information taken from a database or code that dynamically generates web page content of any type including but not limited to javascript, php script, MySQL
  • We - This is in reference to We, as in representatives of Barrys Web Design
  • Us - This is in reference to Us, as in representatives of Barrys Web Design
  • You - This is in reference to You, as in a client or customer of Barrys web Design.

Please Note These Terms And Conditions Are For The Benefit Of My Clients And Everyone Who Uses My Services.

Website Hosting Terms And Conditions

1.1 We make no representation and give no warranty as to the accuracy or quality of information received by any person via the Server and we shall have no liability for any loss or damage to any data stored on the Server.
1.2 You shall effect and maintain adequate insurance cover in respect of any loss or damage to data stored on the Server.
1.3 You represent, undertake and warrant to us that you will use the Web Site and/or web space allocated to you only for lawful purposes. In particular, you represent, warrant and undertake to us that.
1.3.1 You will not use the Server in any manner which infringes any law or regulation or which infringes the rights of any third party, nor will you authorise or permit any other person to do so.
1.3.2 You will not post, link to or transmit:

(a) any material which is unlawful, threatening, abusive, malicious, defamatory, obscene, blasphemous, profane or otherwise objectionable in any way.

(b) any material containing a virus or other hostile computer program.

(c) any material which constitutes, or encourages the commission of, a criminal offence or which infringes any patent, trade mark, design right, copyright or any other intellectual property right or similar rights of any person which may subsist under the laws of any jurisdiction.

1.3.3 You will not send bulk email whether opt-in or otherwise from my server. Nor will you promote a site hosted on my server using bulk email.
1.3.4 You will not employ programs which consume excessive system resources, including but not limited to processor cycles and memory.
3.4 We reserve the right to remove any material which we deem inappropriate from your web site without notice. We do not host Warez or illegal MP3 content.
3.5 You shall keep secure any identification, password and other confidential information relating to your account and shall notify us immediately of any known or suspected unauthorised use of your account or breach of security, including loss, theft or unauthorised disclosure of your password or other security information.
3.6 You shall observe the procedures which we may from time to time prescribe and shall make no use of the Server which is detrimental to our other customers.
3.7 You shall procure that all mail is sent in accordance with applicable legislation (including data protection legislation) and in a secure manner.
3.8 In the case of an individual User, you warrant that you are at least 16 years of age and if the User is a company, you warrant that the Services will not be used by anyone under the age of 16 years.
3.9 Any access to other networks connected to must comply with the rules appropriate for those other networks.
3.10 While we will use every reasonable endeavour to ensure the integrity and security of the Server, we do not guarantee that the Server will be free from unauthorised users or hackers and
3.11 we shall be under no liability for non-receipt or misrouting of email or for any other failure of email.

General Terms And Conditions

We do not allow any materials that I find offensive on any web pages hosted on my server.

Any art work supplied by any client is deemed to be usable on their website and not restricted by any copyright.

All artwork for website's is used with the clients (being you or your company) permission and is not the responsibility of Barry's Web Design or Barry Mitchell to check for copyright of any items be they images or text.

We take no responsibility for images or text or content used by clients on clients pages and website's.

All dynamic code used on website's or code that has been written by Barry Mitchell or anyone who is employed by Barry's Web Design shall remain the property of Barry Mitchell.

BluCMS Terms and Conditions

You may not at any time share any log in details for any part of BluCMS with any third party. Sharing these details will result in the immediate termination of any services we provide including all BluCMS access, Emails and Hosting of any content.

Under no circumstances will any one be given access to my website servers or any part of my web space that contains all or any part of the BluCMS system without my permission. This is to protect the privacy and personal information stored on my servers and to protect the code I have written whilst constructing the BluCMS system.

If you leave my services for any reason at all you will not take the BluCMS system in full or in part or any dynamic code written by me or any member of Barry's Web Design to a new server although you may request to have the flat HTML template of your website up to the exact time your services are terminated or suspended by me Barry Mitchell or any employee of Barry's web Design.

WebXL has a minimum contract of 12 months and by signing up to WebXL you agree to pay your full 12 months subscription. Late payments will incur 20% interest for every payment missed. Payments are to be made by Paypal or standing order. We do not accept cash payments for WebXL.

Email Accounts And 3rd Party Emails

If you are using any external emails or you are having emails forwarded from my servers to any accounts outside of my servers such as Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook 365 or any similar services I will not support the email facilities you have in place and you will not receive any support from me for this. I have email facilities in place for all client accounts on my server and this is what I recommend you use at all times. Using third party emails facilities will not be supported as I have no control over these facilities.

If you have newsletters facilities on your website, I can not support this feature as it may cause SPAM to be sent from my servers and may cause my servers to be black listed at any time. If you request Newsletter facilities to be added to your website, I may install this feature for you but this is against my recommendations. If your newsletter facilities are causing any problems or is sending spam I retain the right to delete your website from my servers at any time and without notice.


No refunds will be given for BluCMS or for any other website designed or website design services including any graphic design or any code or codes including any dynamic or flat code written by me or any one employed at Barry's Web Design.

No deposit refund will be given if any work at all has been carried out on any part of your project, this includes mock up templates and consultation.

Service and Subscription charges for website or email hosting or BluCMS subscription including domain registration

All service invoices are to be paid within 7 days of issue date. Any subscription charges unpaid for BluCMS or for website hosting or any subscription based services provided by Barry's Web Design and Barry Mitchell will result in your service being suspended until payment is received. Email accounts will be billed per account on a monthly basis. I will issue 1 reminder for payment prior to suspension of services. If your website is suspended for more than 2 months, we retain the right to delete your website from the servers at any time without notice.

If you would like to leave my services for any reason and you would like a copy of your website (not including BluCMS, my custom sections of Opencart, any modules purchased by Barrys Web Design for Opencart, or any dynamic code written or owned by Barry's Web Design or Barry Mitchell or hosted on my servers - this includes but is not limited to all php, mysql and any javascript). It is your responsibility to retain a HTML copy from the front end of the website as this is the part you own (Except for BluCMS Lite which is owned wholly by Barrys Web Design including all front end HTML and may not be copied for use outwith my services). It will be at my discretion whether or not I retain any domain name purchased by me under the name of Barrys Web Design or Barry Mitchell.

I reserve the right to change or alter this page and my terms and conditions without notice.